
Fractures are splits within bones. There are two main types of fracture Compound and Simple. Compound fractures are fractures where the bones have pierced the skin. Simple are kept beneath the epidermis and are not visible on the surface. Simple fractures are easily dealt with, Compound fractures may require assistance from Critical Care.

Trauma Care - Bones


  • Speak - talk to pt, evaluate pain, can they move it, what happened when injury occurred (did they hear anything, did they feel it immediately)
  • Look - visible bruising, swelling? Simple/Compound? Compare with other limb
  • Feel - lightly palpate to see if bone is out of place

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Triangular bandage:

  • Wrist, arm, shoulder fractures
  • Support injured arm
  • Slide bandage under arm so that the point of the triangle is under the elbow
  • Bring top end of bandage around back of neck
  • Fold lower end over the forearm to meet the top of the bandage at the shoulder
  • Tie the two ends together above the collar bone 
  • Adjust so it supports the arm all the way to the fingertips

SAM splint:

  • Most fractures
  • Mould around the bone and secure in place w/ gauze roll

Box splint:

  • Leg/foot fractures
  • Slide the middle pad under the leg, fold outer pads to make a box. Strap in place.

Traction Splint:

  • Midline, isolated femur fractures, dislocated leg joints
  • Place on leg, secure ankle and thigh restraints
  • Tighten until splint clicks

Vacuum Splint:

  • Deformed injuries unsuitable for other splints, only on femur, tib/fib, humerus, radius/ulna
  • Wrap injured bone, secure in place
  • Connect pump and vacuum out air

Pelvic Binder:

  • Lie pt down on back
  • Line binder up so middle strap will pass under pt, roll half of the straps
  • Log roll the pt onto their side, push rolled straps through as far as possible
    • Alternatively, put the binder onto a stretcher and lift the patient onto it 
  • Log roll pt back and ensure flat portion is under the pt. Pull straps through.
  • Attach velcro tabs and pull until secure 

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